There are many benefits to being a CMS student! Our individual lesson instructors will tailor lessons to fit the student’s needs and assess the level they are at to help them grow and advance in their given instrument. The student will have full access to our music library to aid them during the individual study. CMS students have ample performance opportunities through our regular student recitals, and students will be given a written progress report from their music teacher at the end of the year.
Fill out a lesson request form right HERE on our website! Our registrar will contact you and walk you through from there.
No, as of the 2024-2025 school year, payments will be billed monthly. Payment are due the 1st of each month and a 30 days’ notice is required to drop enrollment.
There is an annual $35 registration fee (max $50 per family) that will be applied to your first lesson.
No. You can start with an interview lesson, which is charged at our prevailing lesson rate. An interview lesson determines a student’s aptitude or readiness for a particular instrument. Students may schedule interview lessons with multiple instructors before signing up.
Tuition is due no later than the first day of the month prior to lessons starting (pre-paying your last month of lessons as only 30-days notice is due to drop enrollment). A $50.00 late fee will be applied if the tuition is not paid by or on the first. If tuition is not paid by the second lesson, the student will not be able to attend a third lesson until tuition is paid. Any lessons missed due to non-payment will be considered un-excused absences.
CMS requires that the full monthly tuition is paid up to date. CMS accepts cash, personal checks and all major credit cards. If for whatever reason you are not able to pay the tuition in full, please speak to the registrar.
Tuition assistance is available for minor students (through high school graduation) who have a proven financial need. Funds are limited. The guidelines and application are available at the front desk at CMS, or available HERE.
To report a student absence, please notify the school in advance when a student will not be able to attend their lesson by calling 610-489-3676 or emailing our Registrar at info@cmsmusic.org.
Attendance is important for students at CMS. Students are eligible for up to two make-up lessons per year provided we receive notification via phone or email with 24-hour advance notice. No refunds or make-ups are given for class/ensemble tuition after the start of the first class or rehearsal. Students are not entitled to more than 2 make-up lessons per year for missed lessons. Please do not ask your teacher or the staff to make exceptions to this policy. A student absence does not exempt the student from lesson payment. If. Absences are only considered excused if the registrar is informed before the start of the lesson. If CMS does not receive notification of an absence, then the student is considered unexcused and no make-up lesson will be given.
Because scheduling a lesson has a direct impact on many others, it is important that students attend all lessons at the assigned times. This is in respect for our faculty, who set aside a specific time for each student. This time is reserved. The teacher cannot give your the time away to someone else or fill it again. Though many students and families are consistent and reliable about attendance, some are not; this policy is a way to support our talented faculty.
If lessons are canceled due to snow closing or teacher absence, a make-up lesson will be scheduled at the mutual convenience of the student and teacher. There are designated days during the school year to accommodate make-up lessons.
Should the school close due to inclement weather or your teacher need to cancel, students will receive a make-up lesson. Teachers schedule their own make-up lessons. The teacher is obligated to offer three opportunities for each make-up; if the student refuses all three, the make-up is forfeited. There are designated weeks during the school year to accommodate make-up lessons.
If a student cancels their make-up lesson, it is then forfeited and will not be rescheduled.
Speak to the registrar. You can request a different lesson time, and if one is available, you can be permanently moved to a new spot. If no times are available you will be put on a waiting list. You can also request a different teacher at this time.
All withdrawals from a private lesson or class must have 30-days notice and be submitted to the Registrar, in writing. A verbal notification to your teacher does not constitute an official withdraw from lessons. Tuition will be pro-rated, minus a $25.00 withdrawal fee.
All withdrawals from a private lesson or class must have 30-days notice and be submitted to the Registrar, in writing. A verbal notification to your teacher does not constitute an official withdraw from lessons. Tuition will be pro-rated, minus a $25.00 withdrawal fee.
Please speak with the Registrar to inquire about switching individual lesson teachers. 610-489-3676 or info@cmsmusic.org
There are number of numerous student recitals and special concerts scheduled at CMS throughout the year. All performances and rehearsals are accompanied by a professional accompanist. Performances include student recitals, an annual Student Showcase, open mic nights, ensemble performances, and Master classes. Please speak to your teacher or our registrar to discuss current scheduled opportunities.
CMS has a limited number of instruments available for enrolled students to rent. Rental fees vary depending on instruments and are billed monthly. For more information, please contact the CMS Registrar at 610-489-3676. CMS faculty will also help guide students who are looking to purchase instruments. Ask your teacher if you need help selecting the best instrument for you!
Instrument Information
Instrument Rentals
CMS has a limited supply of rental instruments with availability on a first-come-first-serve basis. Students are responsible for maintenance of instruments (e.g., string and reed replacement, cleaning) and any repair costs due to damage. Rental fees vary. Please inquire at the front desk or contact info@cmsmusic.org for availability and pricing.
Piano/Keyboard Requirements & Recommendations
The CMS piano faculty recommends that piano students have regular access to a standard acoustic piano, one that is well maintained and tuned regularly. CMS often receives notice of pianos for sale in the area. Families can check the bulletin boards in the lobby areas for notices. For families of beginning piano students that are unable to afford an acoustic piano or already own a digital piano, their digital piano should meet the following minimum specifications:
- Piano keyboard should have 88 keys with graded action to reproduce the key weight and dynamic range of an acoustic piano.
- Voicing should contain the “Grand Piano” setting and be stereo sampled.
- Keyboard should have an ample stand to allow a proper sitting position and have functioning pedals to offer the damper and una corda (soft pedal) options.
- Parents should make plans to acquire an acoustic piano within one year of the student’s initiation of piano study at CMS.
Recommended Piano Technician
Philly Piano Tuning
(215) 760-7247
Recommended Wind & Brass Instrument Repairs
Keystone Instrument Repair
(484) 985-9559